Sweet Lies

Life never promises anything but humans have a bad habit of promising. We make promises and we don't take another minute to think before breaking it. Most of the time we lie, and our loved ones believe us...easy as pie...

Some say they will never leave your side...Lie!

Some say they will love you forever and ever...Lie!

Some say you are more important than their own lives...Lie!

Some say you're the most precious one...Lie!

Some say you are their reason to live...Lie!

Some say you're the first and last one in life...Again a lie!

We don't hate the people who say these lies do we? I don't. Life is made up of such sweet lies. What matters is how we react when we realize we were told lies. Wouldn't life be better without these lies?
Answer...my answer is No...the time we lived on these big lies was the only time we truly lived-carefree, happy, assured of every affectionate presence...and truly loved. This is just a random thought I felt like sharing and I don't want anyone to agree or disagree with me. This is just what I felt...But of course, view points differ...


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