
Showing posts from April, 2012

To the time when the city was called Calcutta n not Kolkata..

                                             1)  Corrupt or a True Public Servant?

Marine Drive at night

The famous Marine Drive of Mumbai (formerly Bombay) is fondly called Queenā€™s necklace. Your visit to Mumbai is not considered complete without a visit to this place. But if you want to go there just to check in your list of places in this city, please do not go. It does not have anything to offer to such visitors. You have to live & experience the place. The visit is free but it takes your time and your thoughts. Even locals come here from faraway places at every occasion. ā€¦ To celebrate the first monsoon showers, to get soaked in heavy Mumbai rains or sprinkles of high tides, to relish the evenings with pop corn and cold drinks, to jog in the mornings, to take an undisturbed afternoon nap under the sky, to play with friends, to watch the sunset with icecream, to admire the necklace at night, to be left alone, to be a part of the crowd and the list goes so on..